THAT’S what I’m talking about! Speaking of, check out who is getting a food truck. Awesome! And another cool food truck. I can’t wait to check out this new flavor from Ben & Jerry, beet ice cream. Check out this tattoo artist, regardless of what you think of tattoos you’ll have to agree these are…
In The Box – CSA Week 9 {Strawberry Cheesecake in a Jar}
Ack, I got so behind on the vegetables! I spent over an hour this weekend catching up. Cleaning, drying and storing all them all. Man you miss tacking care of business one week and it gets a little overwhelming. I knew I didn’t have time to deal with more than we were going to eat…
{Check it out} Food News
I am sure everyone has seen the new food pyramid by now, which is actually a plate now. A lot of people seem to not be a fan of the change. What do you think? Going 100% organic is hard to do, and expensive too, I like to try and buy organic on the items…
Grilled Bok Choi
We finally had some decent weather to hang out in the yard and get our grill on. While the coals heated up I work on finishing the last book of the Hunger Games series, not as great as the other two. I was in the mood for some char grilled steaks. My husband grilled on…
Crisp Kale Chips
Finally got my butt in the kitchen to make the kale chips I keep mention trying… I was surprised at the fishy taste the kale had, kind of what I would think seaweed would taste like. They also go down kind of rough and feel sharp in your throat. Despite that I really liked them! …
In the Box — CSA Week 8 {Radish Salad}
This week’s box looks just like the one last week. Radishes Bok Choi Head Lettuce Mesclun Mix Turnips Scallions Kale We have had a huge temperature swing here in Chicago, dangerous heat indexes to start the week and 50° to end the week. I am going to take advantage of the cool temperatures to light…
{Check it Out} Burgers, Gelato, Drunk Kitchen
Check out this easy way to make vegetable broth in the crock pot, perfect for summer when you don’t want to use the stove. Burger porn! These look so delicious, I love how they are layered instead of stuffed. I love love love curry dishes, and this asparagus, zucchini, and chickpea green curry looks awesome….
In the Box — CSA Week 7 {Sweet Scallion Shrimp}
Lots of good stuff in the CSA box this week. As a bonus is it all manageable amounts so I am not feeling the pressure to use them before they go bad. Should be easy enough this week. Radishes Bok Choi Head Lettuce Mesclun Mix Turnips Scallions Kale The radishes will be pickled again, these…
Schoooools out for Summer!
Today was my daughter’s last day of 5th grade and the last day at her current school. Next year she will be attending the middle school. She has mixed emotions of excitement and fear. The summer program she is doing is in this new school, so hopefully by fall she will feel a bit more…
Girls on the Run!
My daughter has been part of an after school group that meets twice a week. They work on training for a end of season 5K run, though the main focus is really building self-esteem and experience a positive physical challenge. It is such a great program for girls and I am glad our school has…