This week our funday was a three-day affair, my nephew came to visit us. Thursday was jam packed…
bike ride
lemonade stand
another bike ride to the candy factory
water balloon fight
Legos, Legos, Legos
Minecraft, Minecraft, Minecraft
Thursday Night Out
finished it off with movie night!
They were most pumped for the lemonade stand. Our timing was right and got a few car loads of thirsty field hockey campers. They sold a few pitchers in no time. They wanted to sell cups for $10, but I talked them down to 50 cents. They requested a strict no refill policy though.
The water balloon fight lasted about 1% of the time that it took me to fill the balloons. But afterwards they kept busy turning our slide into a water slide with the hose.
Friday was a rainy crummy day, the boys suggested Monsters University. Cute movie, I couldn’t help think Chris Farley would have done a great voice over for the frat boy announcer. No doubt that character was inspired by him. And who doesn’t love a kids cartoon with a reference to the movie Carrie.
We had time to kill before the movie started, so we walked over to the Centennial Fountain. Out timing was off to be there for the hourly spray across the river (on the hour), but the boys loved the water fall. A few times I though for sure one of them was going to end up in the water.
After the movie we had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, my nephew and son have been dying to go there, yea me. It wasn’t so bad, at least they had fun. Then home and they did some coloring, Legos, and of course Minecraft. Minecraft is their favorite addiction!
Friday fun and then some, they were so sad when they had to part ways. Thanks for the suggestions for Friday funday, this week’s will be an adventure.
They are adorable. Sounds like a fun filled three days. My son would have loved every minute. We haven’t seen Monsters University yet. We are hoping to catch it at the drive in this summer. I love the concept of money at their young age. My son thinks it is a huge deal when he finds a penny yet wants to sell his toys for astronomical amounts of money. We are planning to have a big yard (clear out the basement) sale this summer. If you talk to Carlos he makes it sound like he’s going to be able to fund a Harvard education with the profits from his things alone!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend.