The hot temps are hitting Chicago. today. Last night there was a severe thunderstorm warning and a heat advisory. It all resulted in some huge hail, luckily it missed us. Crazy weather this summer.
With the high temps it is tough to keep cool in our house since we only have a few window air units and ceiling fans. Keeping hydrated is especially important when exercising in the heat. My half-marathon training kicks soon so keeping hydrated is even more important so time to make my special water.
This is my favorite way to stay hydrated, especially on days when I have to remind myself to drink water. My husband refers to this water as garbage water or mulch water, it is not his thing. I love it and it keeps me drinking plenty of water. Plus the ginger and mint helps keep my acid reflux in check, cucumbers keep you cool and the refreshing smell of the lemon will wake you up when the heat is making you feel sluggish.
1 lemon, thinly sliced
1 cucumber, thinly sliced
1-2 inch piece ginger root, peeled and thinly sliced
1 bunch mint leaves
Place all ingredients in a large container with top. Fill with water and let sit in fridge overnight. Replenish water for up to a week.
Drinking this water will keep you cool as a cuke! I have a container of this in the fridge all summer, it may not look pretty when poured into a glass but it helps me keep hydrated.