Herbs are most flavorful right before they flower and gardeners say you are not actually supposed to let them flower. Eh, I make an exception to this rule with my chives. They come in with a vengeance every year and I can barley keep up during a rainy spring. But mostly I let them flower because I simply love the flowers! Reason enough to overlook this rule. I cut them and let them sit in mason jars as decorations. they last for a good long time too. Besides there are more chives in my garden then I will ever eat, and the flavor is still plentiful even after flowering. The flowers are tasty sprinkled in a salad too. Another great use for the flowers is to liven up a simple white vinegar by my making chive flower vinegar.

There is not much of a recipe for chive flower vinegar, simply fill a jar half full with chive flowers and top with white vinegar. Let it sit in a dark cool place for two weeks. The vinegar turns such a magnificent shade of pink. Strain and enjoy.
The resulting vinegar has a slight onion taste and works great in this simple everyday vinaigrette.
Everyday Vinaigrette
4 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 large shallot, finely chopped
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine vinegar, shallot, and Dijon in a bowl.
Slowly whisk in olive oil until combined.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Adjust the vinegar to oil ratio to taste, I like mine a bit more on the acidic side.
I sent this to my mom, she has a ton of chives as well. I don’t have any. . . yet. Need to remember to get some from my mom!
Okay, by now you know that I don’t really use anything in the onion family – but that picture is stunning! Great job! 😀
Thanks for the compliment on the pic! You for sure would not like this vinegar, or the way the flowers in a vase make your house smell like onion.
I have not been able to find chive blossoms anywhere out here since the beginning of last month and this is exactly what I wanted to do with them. Sigh. Hope you enjoy!
I was wondering if any one had used cider vinegar instead of white .
I am going to try cider vinegar next time.
how long does this last?I’m assuming since it’s in vinegar….a long time? thanks!
I have kept it for a few months without issue.
i did this and it is gorgeous! i can’t wait to make a salad dressing using it. in the meantime i just enjoy looking at it. lol
I have garlic chives and they have pretty much bullied out the regular chives. I wonder if their white blossoms would work?
I bet they would work and make a tasty vinegar.
I did this and it is fantastic! It is beautiful and pink Thanx so much for the vinegrette recipe, can’t wait to try it