You know when you see someone running down the street, seemingly effortlessly? Well that is not me. I don’t have a runner’s body or a natural stride that looks so effortless. In fact, to onlookers I probably look more pained then I actually am when I running. But I do have desire and determination to keep me going. This weekend I needed both of these since in lieu of solid training. My March race, the St. Paddy 5K, sneaked up on me and ended up doing 75% of my prep for it just within the week leading up to the run. Slacking off on runs quickly catch up with me, it is amazing how far I can set myself back. I’ve lost my ability to breathe easily when I am running, it only gets worse when I start over-thinking it too. Reason enough to keep on keeping on.
Leading up to Sunday’s run I did three 5Ks during the week. I attempted to do each one at about my race pace so I would get comfortable with how it felt. By the third run I was finishing it about 3 minutes faster. I set out Sunday to improve on my January finish. I felt good running the race, though still some trouble with the breathing and I could definitely tell I was not feeling as strong as in January. Makes sense, I was running regularly and doing strength training. I had nothing left at the end which was a good sign that I had paced myself consistently throughout the race. I was shy of my goal by just over a minute. Which is good and bad as it just encourages my inner lazy.
The race atmosphere was fun, everyone was definitely gearing up for the post party. My only complaint was they only had about ten LepreCANS (portable toilets, not little green men). It was a good thing I got to the race so early because I waited in line for over 30 minutes. It was too bad teh weather wasn’t nicer too. It was setup to be a great fmaily event, with the 10 am start time, Irish dancers, bagpipers, and Guinness was on tap for the post race festivities. I didn’t partake but I did grab a green bagel at the finish line. I will definitely mark this race for next year and have the family come cheer me on.

Up next month is a race in my town, another 5K. My daughter joined Girls on the Run this Spring so she is going to join me and the do the 1 mile youth run. It will good experience before the GOTR 5K we will be doing. The Shamrock Shuffle 8K is only three weeks away so I really need to start getting out there more consistently.
As much as I think I would like to, beer right after a race sounds gross – but I’d take the green bagel!
I think I am going to sign up for a 5k in Barrington on May 8 – I need it to be a little warmer out for me!
My sister and I did the Shamrock Shuffle about 10 years ago now? Such a fun event!
A nice cold beer after a race is pretty darn good most days. The Shamrock Shuffle is my favorite race!
We had really nice weather for our race, but oh my was I hurting after the race. And, we did not partake in the after race festivities either, but we did have a ton of fun and it was a beautiful day. I DEFINITELY need to get out there more, but we did have a really good time. I am going to see if I can find us another one in April. . . .thanks for being my inspiration 🙂
I am so glad you had a great time at your race. Sounds like you’ve caught the bug. 🙂