The garden planting is about done. I have a few plants that were transplanted into the bed that I may move and I need to get a marigold border in. I am debating moving around some of the vegetables I planted, without fail I always plant stuff too close together. In the garden I went with three varieties of tomatoes, leeks, red cabbage, salsa peppers, strawberries, and of course the always present (overgrown) chives. In the pots I planted arugula, apple mint, Greek oregano, basil, and french tarragon. Loving the arugula, can’t believe I have never planted this before. We have already enjoyed a few delicious salads with the greens and herbs. This arugula salad recipe really turned me onto the flavor of arugula. Throw in onto a freshly backed pizza crust and season with sea salt for a fabulous summer dinner.