Who better to buy me the perfect gift than myself, I know exactly what I want. Case in point, the four year-old announced he is buying me a book about Thanksgiving for my birthday. He then asked me to forget he said it so it would be a surprise. I did a bit of shopping for myself.
First, the practical gift, new dishes. I love the look of our current dishes, they are very colorful and thick ceramic. The bad thing is they are all chipped and they are horrid in the microwave, they absorb ALL the heat. You burn yourself taking them out only to find cold food, can’t be safe. I have been wanting to get new dishes for awhile now, Crate and Barrel had a great sale which finally made me just do it. I really wish Crate and Barrel would use less sticky stickers, what a pain to get them off.
Next, the impractical gift. I treated myself to a few months of the Foodzie Tasting Box. Foodize is the like Etsy, but for food. They offer food directly from food artisans and entrepreneurs. The variety is endless! To save myself the hours of clicking and viewing I decided to give the tasting box a try. The Tasting Box subscription is a monthly delivery of food samples from the offerings on the site. I was so excited to get my first box of goodies! Inside was bacon peanut brittle, fleur de sel Caramel popcorn, dulce de Leche cookies, crackers, and heirloom cranberry beans, The bean were complete with a nice recipe card to use with the beans. Yum yum! Great gift for people that love unique food items.

Lastly, the over the top gift. Reservations at Girl & The Goat. Luckily I thought to do this a few months in advance, as reservations are hard to come by. This meal is at the top of my list of best meals. It was seriously amazing!
Oh, and should not have doubted my kids gift giving ability. They passed on the Thanksgiving book and got me some new cookbooks. Can not wait to read them, they look great.
And the oldest sent me a box of retro candy and other goodies. Fun, I mean when is the last time you had Freshen-up gum!
Lots of cards in the mail too and posts on Facebook. It was a happy birthday!
I love my plain white dishes, they are so easy to dress up or down and to add to when need be. I love adding different chargers and such. Why have I not heard of this Foodzie before, how cool! Love the books and the candy of course! How fun, and what a great way to celebrate you!
I am digging the white. Isn't Foodzie great, lots of fun gifts out there.
Andrew got you a pretty kick-ass gift. Can you tell I'm catching up on my blog reading?